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Robert Schussel
I am a retired Market Researcher (consumer research for Fortune 500 companies) who enjoys listening to classical music especially chamber music. Most days I am able to sit in my favorite chair positioned at the sweet spot and listen to my system for an hour or two. I have always had a soft spot for electrostatic /ribbon speakers. Many years ago I heard a pair of large Apogee speakers and got hooked on them. When I finally had a listening room that was appropriate I purchased a pair of the MartinLogan Spire electrostatic speakers. Since then I upgraded to the company’s Montis and recently preordered a pair of their newest speakers, the ESL 13a Expression. Listening room My listening room is 15ft by 26 ft with a 11 foot ceiling. One of the long walls contains has windows running the length of the wall and the other long wall has an opening 15 feet wide (and 9 feet high) . The room is very lively as the walls are fairly bear. My listening chair is in the center of the room.
Analog Front End Digital Front End Amplification |
Cabling Speakers Headphones |
Home Theater Accessories Room Treatment |
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