Publisher Profile

Redwood City, CA

Dan Rubin

Copy Editor

Dan is 63 years old (2017) and lives in Redwood City, CA, with his wife, Gretchen Kenney, and two cats. Dan has been an audiophile pretty much all his life. He briefly wrote reviews for Sound Advice magazine in the late 1970’s and served on the Executive Team of the San Francisco Audiophile Society from mid-2014 until mid-2016, most recently as VP, Member Experience. He retired from full-time work a few years ago after a career in management consulting and marketing research, mainly in high tech. According to Dan, "My employment history includes SRI International, Dataquest, Apple, and BRS Group, and I am now Dan Rubin Research, doing occassional projects." During his nearly 18 years at the BRS Group, Dan fielded surveys, conducted in-depth interviews and moderated about 1,000 focus groups all across the USA and around the world. In addition to audio, Dan likes food and cooking, SF Giants baseball, design (furniture, architecture, landscape) and many pursuits.

						Analog Front End

						Digital Front End





						Home Theater


						Room Treatment

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