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Update: The Dagogo Poll

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The Dagogo Poll was created on September 12, 2010. New surveys are posted on Mondays. The following are the results. Latest results from concluded surveys will be added to this page.

Week of:

42. 2012-5-21
Are you a professional of the audio industry? (306 votes)
Yes, I make my living either full-time or part-time in the audio industry. (25%)
No, I do not make my living from the audio industry. (75%)

41. 2012-4-16
In which decade did you get into the audio hobby? (275 votes)
Since 2011 (0%)
2001 to 2010 (6%)
1991 to 2000 (8%)
1981 to 1990 (15%)
1971 to 1980 (51%)
Pre-1971 and post-WWII (20%)

40. 2012-4-2
Which decade represents the golden age of high-end audio? (97 votes)
Present one (2012 and on) (32%)
2011 to 2010 (2%)
1991 to 2000 (6%)
1981 to 1990 (21%)
1971 to 1980 (23%)
Pre-1971 and post-WWII (16%)

39. 2012-1-23
If you are a sudden beneficiary of a sum of money just enough to buy you the speakers you always wanted, you would buy: (368 votes)
Panel, electrostatic or magnetic (27%)
Horn (23%)
Multi-driver dynamic (35%)
Single-driver (10%)
Bookshelf (3%)
Bose (3%)

38. 2011-11-23
How much are you planning to spend on your own audio system in the 2011 Fall holiday season? (200 votes)
$10,000 or more (23%)
$5,000 – $9,999 (13%)
$1,000 – $4,999 (22%)
$500 – $999 (10%)
below $500 (11%)
None (21%)

37. 2011-10-24
Choose your age group from the following: (269 votes)
Younger than 21 years old (0%)
21 – 30 years old (4%)
31 – 40 years old (14%)
41 – 50 years old (18%)
51 – 60 years old (49%)
61 years and older (15%)

36. 2011-9-19
What is your opinion of the current digital state of the art? (135 votes)
My digital system costs $20k+, and it is sounding better than vinyl (12%)
My digital system costs between $10k and $20k, and it is sounding better than vinyl (8%)
My digital system costs less than $10k, and it is as good as vinyl, most of the time if not all the time (17%)
My digital system costs less than $10k, and I think the best vinyl system is slightly better but it doesn’t bother me (41%)
The cost of my digital system is irrelevant, I have never tried vinyl / simply will never go back to vinyl (22%)

35. 2011-8-22
If you were to purchase a digital player today, you would purchase a: (111 votes)
Cost-no-object, state-of-the-art multiple-piece SACD transport, Clock and DAC combo (2%)
Top-of-the-line SACD or CD transport and DAC (12%)
Top-of-the-line, state-of-the-art one-piece SACD/CD player (10%)
$20,000+ one-piece SACD/CD player with USB input (3%)
$2,000 to $20,000 SACD/CD player or DAC with USB input (38%)
Sub-$2,000 DAC with USB input (36%)

34. 2011-8-8
Which of the following product category will you most likely buy imported? (47 votes)
Turntables, tonearms and cartridges (23%)
Digital players, DACs and media servers (26%)
Preamplifiers and phono stages (6%)
Power amplifiers (9%)
Loudspeakers (26%)
Cables and accessories (11%)

33. 2011-8-1
If you attended the 2nd California Audio Show (7/15 – 7/17/2011), have you submitted your vote for Best Sound of the Show? (17 votes)
Yes (6%)
No (94%)

32. 2011-7-18
If you attended the 2nd California Audio Show this past weekend (7/15-7/17), you arrived by: (82 votes)
Driving (77%)
BART SFO terminal and then hotel free shuttle bus (18%)
BART SFO and then taxi (0%)
Caltrain (8-minute walk) (0%)
Other means (5%)

31. 2011-7-11
When you are listening to music via your primary high-end audio system, your primary concentration is on: (95 votes)
Soundstaging 3-dimensionality (7%)
Instrument textural realism (15%)
Dynamic contrast realism (5%)
Tonal beauty (14%)
All of the above. My system can do it! (45%)
None of the above. (14%)

30. 2011-7-4
You would describe your primary 2-channel speaker system as: (92 votes)
Extremely low efficiency – multi-drivers, below 86dB and 4 ohms (16%)
Low to medium efficiency – multi-drivers, 86-90dB, above 4 ohms (23%)
Low to medium efficiency – equipped with active subwoofers (3%)
Efficient – multi-drivers, 90-98dB (26%)
Extremely efficient – multi-drivers, 98dB and up (16%)
Extremely efficient – single-driver, 98dB and up (15%)

29. 2011-6-27
For your main 2-channel sound system, what is the output of your current amplifier (s): (150 votes)
Over 500 watts per channel (8%)
200-500 watts per channel (27%)
100-200 watts per channel (18 %)
25-100 watts per channel (25%)
10-25 watts per channel (9%)
Less than 10 watts per channel (13%)

28. 2011-6-13
For your regular music listening through your main sound system: (79 votes)
Around 50% or more of my listening is to my favorite radio station(s), and I do so via a tuner (8%)
Around 50% or more of my listening is to my favorite radio station(s), and I do so via computer streaming (6%)
Around 50% of my regular music listening is to radio broadcast (16%)
I don’t listen to radio through my main system at all (68%)

27. 2011-6-6
The music genre you played most frequently in your system is: (91 votes)
Broadway (0%)
Classical (19%)
Country (3%)
Jazz (42%)
Motion Picture / TV soundtrack (1%)
Rock / Pop (35%)

26. 2011-5-30
During this Memorial Day weekend/holiday: (33 votes)
I’ve been busy entertaining friends and family with the TV on in the background (3%)
We’ve been having so much barbeque again I think I’ve lost my appetite just like I always do every time every year (18%)
Finally got some quiet time to my music listening while wife (and kids) is either shopping for deals and/or at her parents’ or friend’s place (21%)
Been doing super duty chauffeuring wife around malls and shops and have no time for music, except in the car, and at low, acceptable sound level (9%)
Not affected by the national holiday. No change in routine. (48%)

25. 2011-5-16
If your primary source is digital, your connection is via: (76 votes)
S/PDIF (coaxial) (42%)
USB (22%)
AES (XLR) (18%)
I2S (8%)
Optical Fiber (Toslink, Glass) (5%)
Firewire (4%)

24. 2011-5-9
While the continued revival of vinyl still acounts for less than 1% of total music sales in 2010, vinylphiles’ diehard allegiance to the contact medium can best be explained in the following: (30 votes)
All the necessary manual operations in record playing makes the medium more engaging even to the MP3 generations (10%)
With all the various cutting, mastering and 45rpm playback editions/re-issues in abundant supply even to this day, LP collecting is nonetheless a more engaging and enriching, though expensive experience than that of optical discs (40%)
Can’t beat the look of a room of shelves stuffed with LPs (13%)
Love thos big and heavy, visually engaging/menacing looking turntables (10%)
All the cartridges, tonearms, phono cables, phonostages and numerous LP accessories make for irresistible, terrific excuses for spening my money (3%)
They may or may not sound more accurate to the real thing than the latest DSD digital medium, but that’s missing the point (23%)

23. 2011-5-2
In terms of upgrades to your audio or home theater system since 2010, you have spent: (28 votes)
Over $5,000 of upgrades in my home theater system (0%)
Less than $5,000 of upgrades in my home theater system (7%)
Over $5,000 of upgrades in my audio-only system (50%)
Less than $5,000 of upgrades in my audio-only system (43%)

22. 2011-4-25
When you walk into a house/apartment, you always: (30 votes)
Check out its big screen TV/home theater system (33%)
Check into its bathroom (0%)
Check out its fridge (7%)
Look for a room suitable for use as a sound room (60%)

21. 2011-4-18
To what extent did your investment in acoustic treatment, either passive in nature or equalization-based, change your system’s performance? (18 votes)
Less than 10% in improvement (17% of voters)
10 – 33% in improvement (33%)
33 – 50% in improvement (28%)
Over 50% in improvement (22%)
Had to remove most or all of them to please my spouse (0%; but it happened to me more than once. -Pub.)

20. 2011-4-11
To date, how much have you spent in acoustic treatment products (ASC tube traps, RPG, etc.) in your listening room approximately? (60 votes)
Over $5,000 (10%)
$2,500 – $5,000 (12%)
Less than $2,500 (37%)
None (38%)
I use active (Lyngdorf, Z System, etc.) equalization (3%)

19. 2011-4-4
Since 2010, regarding major items in your sound system, such as turntable, tonearm, cartridge, digital player, amplification cable, speaker: (29 votes)
I have bought more equipment than I have been selling (41%)
I have sold more equipment than I have been buying (24%)
I am a hoarder and/or I didn’t sell anything in that period (34%)

18. 2011-3-28
If you are using computer-based music delivery…(61 votes)
The music is mostly ripped from CDs at 16 bit/44.1kHz or 16/48 (43%)
The music is mostly downloaded online at 16/44/1 or 16/48 (5%)
The music is mostly downloaded online at higher resolution (16%)
Not using computer-based music delivery (Analog- and/or disc-based) (36%)

17. 2011-3-14
Where do you buy most of your software (CD, Downloads, LPs, etc.)? (74 votes)
Audiophile distributer (Acoustic Sounds, Elusive Disc, Music Direct, etc.): 32%
Local brick and mortar stores: 26%
On-line non-audiophile discount stores: 36%
Download, iTunes, etc.: 5%

16. 2011-3-7
How much do you spend on software (CDs, Downloads, LPs, etc.)? (49 votes)
More than $200: 10%
$200 per month: 10%
$100 per month: 49%
$50 per month: 10%
Less than $50 per month: 20%

15. 2011 1-3
What days of the 2010 California Audio Show did you attend? (72 votes)
Friday: 14%
Saturday: 15%
Sunday: 4%
Friday & Saturday: 10%
Saturday & Sunday: 12%
Friday, Saturday & Sunday: 44%

14. 2010-12-20
It is more important to you that: (60 votes)
You always have the latest and the best in your system: 0%
You always have a high-performance sound system at your place for regular listening: 85%
You always have friends over with whom to listen to music: 3%
You never be bothered by curious relatives, friends or strangers: 3%
Your system is your own DIY sound system: 8%

13. 2010-12-13
You usually allocate the most funds in your high-end audio budget on: (54 votes)
Analog front-end (turntable, tonearm, cartridge): 11%
Digital front-end (CD transport, DAC, music server): 20%
Preamp (Phono stage, linestage, combinations): 2%
Power amplifier (stereo, monoblocks): 19%
Speaker: 48%
Cables & Accessories: 0%

12. 2010-12-6
The size of your listening space is (choose the closest one): (96 votes)
Less than 100 sq ft(10’ x 10’, 8’ x 12’, etc): 0%
100 sq ft to 180 sq ft (10’ x 18’, 12’ x 15’, etc): 27%
180 sq ft to 300 sq ft (12’ x 25’, 14’ x 21’, 16’ x 19’, etc ): 36%
300 sq ft to 480 sq ft (between 14’ x 21’ and 20’ x 24’): 28%
Larger than 480 sq ft: 8%

11. 2010-11-29
Your reference loudspeaker is: (66 votes)
Horn-based: 18%
Panel-based, electrostatic or magnetic: 21%
Dynamic multiple-driver design: 41%
Single-driver design: 15%
Hybrid of one or more of the above designs: 5%

10. 2010-11-22
Are you: (66 votes)
Female, single: 2%
Female, married: 2%
Female, divorced: 0%
Male, single: 20%
Male, married: 70%
Male, divorced: 8%

9. 2010-11-15
What is the reference amplification type in your system? (73 votes)
Low-output directly-heated single-ended triode (20 wpc or less): 22%
High-power vacuum tube (20 wpc plus): 34%
Class A, zero-feedback solid-state: 23%
Solid-state with feedback:15%
Digital: 5%

8. 2010-11-08
What do you plan to purchase in the next few months? (33 votes)
Analog source (turntable, cartridge, tonearm): 18%
Digital source (CD player, SACD player, DAC): 9%
Amplification (phono stage, preamp, power amp): 12%
Speakers: 6%
Cables/Accessories: 15%
None: 39%
7. 2010-10-25
How much are you planning to spend on your own audio system in the 2010 Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping season? (60 votes)
Less than $100: 20%
$100 – $499: 20%
$500 – $1,999: 12%
$2,000 – $4,999: 18%
$5,000 – $9,999: 13%
$10,000 or more: 17%

6. 2010-10-18
What do you believe is the most relevant cause for the ongoing demise of high-end audio industry: (67 votes)
CD packaging less attractive than the LP significantly: 3%
Too many small, specialized companies: 27%
Too many music stations converted to talk format: 7%
Top classical and artists of all genres dying off without worthy successors: 13%
Rise of home theater: 30%
What demise?: 19%

5. 2010-10-11
How likely is it for you to buy electronics that are energy efficient? (54 votes)
Very likely only if they are as competent in performance as their less energy-efficient competition: 20%
Very likely as long as they are affordable, and are within the budget high-performance category: 9%
I’m against anything that is not designed to offer top performance in its price category, green or not: 70%

4. 2010-10-4
In the next six months, you will probably: (32 votes)
Buy new audio equipment from online retailers: 16%
Buy new audio equipment from local brick and mortar dealers: 44%
Buy used audio equipment from Audiogon and similar sites: 38%
Buy new or used home theater products, online or not: 3%

3. 2010-9-27
Regarding your music format preference, which one describes you the best? (87 votes)
I’m a digiphile, I won’t be investigating analog playback: 25%
I’m a vinylphile, I won’t be investigating digital playback: 11%
I’m a digiphile, but I also have bought/will be buying analog gear: 21%
I’m a vinylphile, but I also have bought/will be buying digital player: 43%

2. 2010-9-20
Via which music format do you listen to your music the most? (38 votes)
Digital (CD, SACD, DVD-A, computer, online streaming): 63%
Analog (turntable): 34%
Others: 3%

1. 2010-9-12
Do you spend more time watching movies or listening to your audio system at home? (37 votes)
Watching movies at home: 16%
Listening to music at home: 84%

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