My first time to hear the Bryston speakers and I’d say this was a system where the whole was better than the parts. This was a really synergistic system.
Another expensive bargain were the German Physik Unlimited Mk IIs. They offer a huge taste of their big speakers for around $14,000.
The Elac and Thorens combo was certainly one of the most colorful system, and very nice sounding as well.
Another of my top three rooms was Jeff Catalano’s High Water Sound room. They were using Liszt speaker from Cessaro Horn Acoustics with a Tron-Electric amp and preamp, and the TW-Acoustics’ Raven Anniversary SE turntable. The sound was stunning.
A second colorful room was Rutherford Audio’s room featuring Roxan equipment with art painted on them by Jay Paul Apodaca. If you buy an amp I think you also get a print of the painting. I don’t know how the amps sold, but I think he sold out of all the original oil paintings. I know I bought a set of three.
Are you for ready for a little more excess? Woo Audio introduced what every real headphone audiophile needs. A pair of 300B mono block headphone amps.
My third favorite room was the Saskia Turntable room combined with the launch of the Emia electronics. The real thrill of the room was a chance to hear a pair of RCA LC-1A LS-11 speakers that were made the same year I was born, 1954. More on this and my other top three room soon.
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looks like a ton of fun…..wish I was there. Say hi to Gideon for me! Best, Greg
Very nice group of photos and comments about them. Thank you for keeping it clean.