Harmonix Reimyo and Harmonix Royal Stage, by Combak Corp.
Mr. Kazuo Kiuchi, Managing Director
Mr. Kiuchi’s “Bravo!” minimonitor already encompasses his goal of recreating a full-range sound. His recent ongoing development of the matching Consequence subwoofer system is, in reality, a succumbing to the demands of the majority of audience for emphasis in bottom-end vigor, above all sonic considerations. To Mr. Kiuchi, the concept of bottom-end rendition is one of acoustic accuracy, not of sensual stimulation. He is of the opinion that musical bottom-octave ought to be reproduced as in a dispersive wave-front, like that from an instrument, not as the forward-firing approach intended for maximum impact.
On the low stand: Harmonix Reimyo PAT-777 300B power amplifier, MSRP $24,995
On the rack (from top to bottom): CAT-777 24bit K2 CD player (discontinued), CAT-777 tube preamplifier, MSRP
$15,495, DAP-777 solid-state DAC, MSRP $5,195.
Rack: Harmonix Royal Stage, individually priced at $1,495 and $1,530.
Under PAT-777: Royal Stage RS-15ANV, MSRP $5,400 each.
As an owner of the 7Wpc PAT-777, I continued to find its ability to drive the 87dB/8Ω “Bravo!” remarkable every time I listened to it. At the CES, Mr. Kiuchi used two PAT-777’s wired to operate in monoblock to drive the same speakers with the Consequence. The characteristics of sound from a whole suite of Harmonix Reimyo electronics at this SHow was one of astounding coherency, spaciousness and delicate, precise imaging. My wife and I returned to the Harmonix room during the Show sometimes more than once everyday.
Harmonix Bravo minimonitors, MSRP $4,295/pair Harmonix HS-101MAX tweeter speaker cables,
MSRP $2,775 per 1.5meter pair;
Harmonix HS-101 “Harmonic-Strings” speaker cable
(now connected to woofer), $1,275 per 1.5meter pair
Acapella horn speakers, Accustic Arts, Isoclean, Wavac
Acapella High Violin MKIII loudspeakers, MSRP $48,000/pair
Resolution via the new Accustic Arts DAC I Mk4 was at once shocking. When playing Barbara Streisand’s movie them song Prisoner (Eyes of Laura Mars) of the 80s, the usually archaic-sounding song seemed re-mastered. One could almost be certain that the massive processing as accorded by the new DAC was the sole contribution to the renewed experience.
But then, there was the $48k Acapella High Violin MkIII with the industry exclusive ion tweeter, and then there was the $69k/pair Wavac HE833, not to mention the much acclaimed Isoclean PT-3030G II power transformers which all prospective dealers of Brian purchased upon first audition.
Wavac HE833 mono amps, MSRP $69,000/pair
Top 2 shelves: Accustic Arts Drive I & DAC I Mk4
Bottom shelves: Wavac T1 preamplifier
with PS-X2(T) power supply and TR-B1 power transformer,
Wavac MSRP: $30,000 Top: Accustic Arts Drive I (to be replaced by Drive I Mk2)
sitting on Isoclean Isoplane Platform, MSRP $2,300,
Bottom: Accustic Arts DAC I Mk4, (66bit/1536kHz),
MSRP $7,000
Effects of Acapella’s Ion tweeter from the was more than just astounding. Aside from impressing all visitors who sat and listened quietly, some of whom spent upward of 30 minutes occupying the center seat selfishly, including one female European reviewer who remained over 45 minutes, it was the Ion tweeter’s properties of emitting an unprecedented amount of air and top-end extension, without degrading to sibilance.
There were moments during which, I reckon, that everyone present were holding their breaths back at the sound of impressively loud cymbals and percussive clashes. But we all drew breaths of “ooh”s and “ahh”s when the anticipated sibilance never manifested itself, put in place instead by stream of immaculate and exquisitely formed top-end bodies of music.
From left to right:
Isoclean Supreme Focus power cord, MSRP $3,800,
ICP 206P Power Bar, MSRP TBA,
PT-3030G II power transformer, MSRP $2,700 each Isoclean Supreme Focus power cords plugging into
an 80A3 80amp filter (MSRP $3,500 each)
Isoclean Zero Ohm Breaker Panel, plus Audiotop accessories
Isoclean Isotip S1 shock absorb tip toes (top), MSRP $245/3 sets (6 pieces),
Isoclean TT-009 large tip toe base (in hand), MSRP $225/set of 4,
and TT-008 smaller tip toe base, MSRP $100/set of 4.
Isoclean 104II AG Power Socket, MSRP $930
(seen here with Isoclean RF Isolator male plug for female sockets, MSRP $80/set of 4)
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