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Art! The Perspective in the Creative Process: Part IV

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Seems that many are completely lost out there. Caught in a quagmire wondering just what the heck was going on with those abstract art pieces you saw when your friend dragged you out one night a few weeks back? Doing one of those ‘First Friday’ artsy-fartsy gallery strolls in your town USA? The World?

Some ‘still life’ renderings of flowers arranged in a bowl of oatmeal on a tabletop littered with pills & capsules of multiple colors; or the huge computer generated panels of barnyard animals dancing a jig while the ‘Mighty Ghost Chariots of Metempsychosis’ roll ‘ore the muddy waters of a parking lot somewhere filled with corpses wearing green tennis shoes or something crazy like that. While a soundtrack of ‘House-Trance-Hypno-Tech-Pop’ music thumps up a storm in one gallery, the next one is sporting a tape-loop of the Brandenburg Concertos… Gigantic head shots with neon enhanced eyeballs crying tears of baby alligators on the faces of celebrities (whom are supposedly known to most others in this world except you), to symbolize some massive environmental statement or who knows what…Or maybe it was that old European Masters Series of some kind, without a ‘thing’ even remotely attractive to your eye, though some of the stuff was more than 300 years old…

This little Art-Walk your friend talked you into because they said “it can be a big singles thing so come on we gotta’ check it out…” And you still can’t figure out why.

Oh well…

And then you read somewhere that some kid from a Detroit school on a field trip to a museum sticks a wad of chewing gum on a $1.5million painting and duh…

Theater in U.S. (New York somewhere), shuns new work? Political Climate is twitching again over a play; My Name is Rachel Corrie (with a character who was run over by a bulldozer in Gaza), which was ‘Yanked’ < pun intended >, because it was tooooo close to…home?

Oh yes, people are concerned and affected by Art. They are even paying attention at certain stops along the way. It continues to have an effect all over the Planet Earth. You just might not hear; be listening, or catch anything, or be concerned yourself and that’s okay. I just wanted to give a take or reiteration so to speak, of a string of some recent ditties I’ve come across.

It seems to me that the media still plays a constant in much of the affairs. Affecting those creating; those interlinking involved, as well as those twitched by the things that some of the work might represent or say…Like the folks at that Getty place!!! Seems they are scrambling ‘round quite a bit lately with who did what. And how much was that? And just where is it that we go now and why did, and what’s that again, etc.

That oh-so major supposedly ‘political satire comic take-off from the Dutch newspaper or whatever about Mohamed-Islam, and the Arab world response…

Archeological museums and university labs getting more (or less) attention again.

‘Tut-ted’ with more variations and historical re-discoveries and a number of recent re-evaluations of earlier established beliefs with stuff from several lands of pyramids & grand
statue’d existence…

Oh there’s so much to be taken in with everything that’s going on…


There will always be Art. Even when they might try and do away with it. Which sometimes you can see why it gets some folks ire up. But Is It Art? What Is Art? Is “that” Art?

Constantly the questions remain. Music, Dance, Theater, Written Word, Visual Stuff, etc. Ancient & new, electronic & acoustic, the whole slew…


Suffice to say I hesitate to respond one way or the other on things for the most part because it’s so much about one’s own opinion and feelings. Based on a myriad of many things I’m sure. It may not always get seen or explained or even understood. It might not have a consistent take in presentation, theme, or be humanity inclined. And yet we know part of the process in getting there as well as the end results (affects), are so often not understood. To say this is usually part of the deal with having ‘Art’ here (or there) anyway, is indeed to say that ‘this is usually part of the deal with having Art here (or there) anyway’. An integral part of the world go ‘round so to speak…

And so.

Always something exciting going on in art world. Often times one has to find it for themselves. Even if you’re not a bit aware of what’s what. Keep your ears, your mind, eyes, and senses opened-up. Because you never know what feelings you might encounter…

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