Publisher’s note: This is a part of a series of pre-CAS7 articles we have prepared for our readers. Enjoy!
Questionnaire created by Dan Rubin, copy editor.
Respondent: Jeff Haagenstad, EXOGAL.
What’s the “elevator pitch” description of your company?
EXOGAL was created to bring audiophile products to customers in totally new demographic groups. These are people who want extremely high performance audio products but at lower price points, in smaller packages, and with soft and pleasant aesthetics.
What makes your company and products special – how do they stand out from the pack?
High levels of uncompromising performance from technological advances, delivered in small packages at reasonable prices.
Which of your products do you plan to demonstrate at CAS 2017?
Comet DAC with upgraded power supply
Ion PowerDAC accessory for the Comet
Which sorts of CAS attendees should be interested to see and hear the products you will be demonstrating – and why?
Anyone interested in state of the art, high performance digital audio at a reasonable price
What do you like most about exhibiting at smaller, regional audio shows such as CAS 2017?
It gives us direct, unfiltered access to our target customers. It lets them hear our gear and ask questions. We also get great feedback.
In your product space, what are you most excited about in terms of technology and market trends?
We saw trends in the market and advances in DSP technology that no one else had figured out how to address or exploit. We designed and built products to address those trends using these new technologies and judging by the reaction we’ve received, we read the market right.
Assuming you had the resources, what product would you like to create?
This stage of our evolution is about laying the groundwork that allows us to move into those future new products. Our dream product would be a device that allowed a customer to access any song at the highest resolution instantly and in a very simple way. Right now, it takes an IT genius just to add a NAS to a home network. Then you’ve got to get your DAC to work with a computer or a server. Then you have to get one or more accounts to various music streaming services. Then you have to pray that it all works together. It’s all too complicated and we want to make it all plug and play – and that is a TON of hard work.
EXOGAL will be in Room 5229.
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