EnKlein is bringing in the New Year with a handcrafted, Tour de Force on digital signal preservation. Introducing, the solid silver Orion.
The Orion AES/SPDIF digital ultra-high performance cable is specifically designed to conduct a digital signal through a cable with BNC(SPDIF), RCA(SPDIF), or XLR(AES) terminations. Incorporating solid silver conductors, supported in an air tube suspension with a mechanical vibration dampening system reduces environmental impacts to the signal.
The shielding of the Orion cable is a multi-layer thin film design, creating a multilayer, capacitive and reactance correction between the isolated solid silver conductors. Protecting the signal from the “Dirty Digital” environment, where power supplies, disc transports and digital file sources create havoc. Effectively breaking the link between source and DAC, stops the digital hash from flowing down stream into noise susceptible analog components. Once again the focus is on preservation of the signal.
The Orion design exceeds the interface specification of AES/SPDIF, resulting in zero DAC interpolation of the data input, increasing the accuracy of the recreated analog signal.
The Orion Supports data rates beyond DSD and 32 bit 384K.
The overall result is an extremely musical, vinyl like sound, even from CD resolutions. You don’t know what you are missing until you audition the Orion.
Pricing of $5000 (1 meter).
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