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Interview with Dr. Edward Pong of UltraAnalogue Recordings

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LL: And there’s a feedback tab on your website.

EP: Yes, and so far we have had quite a lot of feedback. Interestingly enough, I sent a tape to the guy who wound our transformers in Vegas. Now he wants to use our tapes to demonstrate their equipment at CES!

LL: Do you plan to have your own booth at CES?

EP: No. We’ll just carry a few tapes under our arms, and see who will have the machines to play them. The guy even offers to sell them for us. I’ll bring along a few, and if people want, they can order it on our website. Realistically I’d be happy to sell just a handful of them, just for fun.

LL: It’s certainly a great way to share your soirées musicales with music lovers all around the globe.

A pair of 2-track Studer A80 at Ed’s dubbing station, running at 15ips

On my machine here I can choose CCIR or NAB equalizations. On my website, you can choose it before checking out. At The Tape Project ( they use CCIR throughout. But Roger feels that NAB offers better sound. In my own recordings I have found NAB to have a fuller lower register. Modern tapes can take higher level in terms of dynamics, because there’s more bias. The 2 Studer A80’s I own can record at a higher bias level than the earlier famous tubed Studer C37. Therefore, by creating these special tube amps for the recording and for playback, we have the benefit of combining the tube aspect of the Studer, the modern transport, and the bias that can take modern tapes.

Custom tube amps for the Studer A80, featuring the 6900 double triode

Custom tube amps for the Studer A80, featuring the 6900 double triode

LL: So by using these two boxes, you’re essentially bypassing the built-in amps of the recorder?

EP: That’s right. We only use the equalization function of it. I have tubes for the output section. The playback has the same thing.


LL: I can see that your kitchen has become the setting for the production line. Do you make a dubbing of the master first?

EP: Yes, and it takes most of the time. Every time you copy, you lose something. I want to increase or decrease something based solely on the type of tape I’m using. So once I’ve got that set up, I have to experiment with many different parameters to get the most ideal sound.

LL: I guess it’s like dark room technique of yore, like burning-in and making contact sheets if you will! What’s the type of tape you use for the master?

EP: I like to use the Quantegy 499. Quantegy came after Ampex. First there was the 3M 996 which I have a lot of pancakes of. It’s like the 499 but it’s older. Quantegy bought out 3M. The other one is GP9. It’s very popular but it records hotter, with more volume, and a rougher character. I think 499 is more refined. GP9 and 499 share the same bias but their characteristics are very different. The sad thing is that you cannot get GP9 or 499 anymore.


LL: I suppose you’re not in the habit of recording over a pre-recorded tape?

EP: Well, with 499 we do it because it erases very well. And I like to make the first dub on 499 because I think it has the best character. So I try to keep the first copy the same type of tape as the master’s. What the customers get will be the RMG SM900. That’s their top tape.

Every tape of mine features a 30-second test tone which allows you to set your playback level to zero, meaning that your machine and the tape get to be calibrated to the same level, thus preventing overload. I give it for free.

4 Responses to Interview with Dr. Edward Pong of UltraAnalogue Recordings

  1. Adam says:

    A very interesting interview. I’m curious, are some of these recording available via CD or vinyl to the average audiophile, and if so, what would we expect to hear different on these recording recorded and produced by Dr. Pong?

    I ask because while reading about the extremes of one man’s hobbies can be interesting and motivational, it can also be sad, since I’ll never be able to hear his system. So what is my possible take home? How can I share in Dr. Pong enthusiastic pursuit of exalance?

  2. Edward Pong says:

    Dear Adam,

    If you go to my website: in the store section, there is 1 CD available. My main focus is to offer a tape copy of the master tape which will sound very different from any other source material….it will shock you. The dynamics, low level detail, emotion are all much more realistic.

    You will need a 2 track 15 ips tape deck to play these tapes. Most Studer decks would be fine. Like LP’s, if you have an outboard tubed playback amp for the Studer, you will hear more from the tapes.

    Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions!

  3. Edward Pong says:

    Dear Adam,

    I forgot to tell you, the CD was made with a DSD recording of the master tape, it retains much of the analogue qualities of the master tape. The purity of sound from the silver transformers will be heard.

  4. Adam says:

    Thank you for your response Dr. Prong. I look forward to hearing your recordings.

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