Read 2016 Axpona show report Part 1, Part 2
Legacy Audio / Raven Audio
In a rather large ballroom, Legacy was sporting several different system configurations.
The Legacy Aeris, actually my favorite of the line, was on display powered by a pair of Raven Audio 300B-based monoblocks, Metronome Transport, and Legacy Wavelet Preamp/DAC.
Another system setup featured the awesome little Legacy Studio HD speakers
Raven Audio’s extensive line(s) of tube electronics make for one heck of an awesome spread!
Monitor Audio / Sim Audio
Monitor Audio was showing their huge and rather imposing Platinum II speakers to great effect. They flanked the prodigious Sim Audio 870A Stereo power amplifier.
The front-end was also all Sim Audio which included the 740P linestage, and 650D DAC Transport, 820S Power Supply.
NEAT / Audia Flight
Audia Flight electronics and CD player teamed up with the British firm NEAT Showing with the Motive SE2, SX3, and IOTA speakers.
Turntable was by Analogue Works and was fitted with ubiquitous JELCO tonearm.
Hanson (Dealer)
This was a well put together room with quite good sound. It featured the Dynaudio Confidence C1 Platinum speakers, Nordost Valhalla cabling throughout, and Octave integrated amplifier.
The front-end of the system consisted of a decked out Clearaudio Innovation Basic turntable/tonearm/cartridge set-up, and Octave EQ2 phonostage.
Paragon Sight and Sound (Dealer) / Wilson Audio
This very large dealer-sponsored room featured the introduction of the all-new Wilson ALEXX speakers. The massive ALEXX were powered by Doshi amplifiers, wired up with Transparent cables and wires. dCS and Brinkmann provided the signal source. The sound overall was large, bold, and of a grand scale as one would expect from a Wislon speaker of this size.
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I have one of the Raven integrated amps – it outperformed separates that were more than twice the price. This is a line you’re going to be hearing a lot more from.
Again, one of the best rooms at the show, the Dynaudio stand mounted spkrs with dCs. Another musically engaging room that I could have enjoyed for hours.