MoFi Room
On display was the US debut of theTAD Micro Evolution I speakers at $12,495/pair. But what MoFi was also showing was their latest LP release of Bill Evans Live at the Village Vanguard made using MoFi’sOne Step Process. In this process, the stamper is produced directly from the original master instead of the additional generations usually involved in making vinyl LPs.
They also cut at 60kHz, which is 3 times normal, and they use no filtering. The result is limited-production releases of albums with far superior detail and resolution. The Bill Evans recording had amazing imaging with an extremely wide soundstage and added height and great transient attack. The snare drum sounded real, whereas most recorded snares have an artificial quality. Bass was clear with a sense of authority. Piano was soft and balanced. Overall, the recording sounded live. As for the supporting electronics, the TADs were driven with BAT VK56SE (55w/ch) at $7,000. The phono was resolved with the BAT VK-P12SE SuperPak.
Rogue Audio
Rogue Audio has updated their line. The Stereo 90 is now a Stereo 100 (100w/ch pure tube design running KT100 output tubes with a $4995 retail), which they had connected to their RP-7 preamp (MSRP $3495) and a pair of Joseph Audio Pulsar Speakers (MSRP $7700/pr). I am always impressed with everything Rogue Audio produces and this system was no exception. They always produce great products that are far better performing than their prices would indicate, characterized by super quietness and superb dynamic range with excellent pace and musicality.
Music Hall
After the obligatory shot of single malt Whiskey and a short visit with Roy Hall and Leland Leard, I took the opportunity to see what Music Hall had to show.
On display were three new cartridges from Goldring (pricing and specs to come soon). From what I understand, they are looking to compete with the very successful Ortofon 2M series. They also were showing a new MMF-1.3 turntable with an AT-3600L phono cartridge. The projected retail is $299. The table looks remarkably similar to the Audio Technica AT-LP3. I wish there was more to say about my visit, but time was rushing by and my feet were killing me.
Copy editor: Dan Rubin
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